Tuesday 31 January 2012



I'm going to try and blog for the second time using my iPhone and hopefully this won't be full of spelling mistakes or rather my phone trying to spell things for me!

I'm only one sleep away from returning home after a mini holiday in Austria. I've been staying with a friend from the Camino (see my September 2009 entries).

All in all the trip has been good but the highlight will have to be just hanging out with her 18 year old son and his friends. At the ripe old age of 33 it's really refreshing seeing life through someone else's eyes and also how different it is for a male vs a female. I suppose it's one of those things I took for-granted when going to an all girls school. It's obvious that boys and girls think and behave differently but it's amazing how different they are. As I'm writing this it's also necessary to say that really boys and girls are the same. We are all part of this human existence and really, we all want the same thing.

I sound like I'm contradicting myself but I'm sure you get it!

Anyhow.... I'm rambling as usual. I had a great time with a great person and as I've told him countless times in short since I've met him. I want great things for him.

As we hugged goodby he told me to loose control an I told him to gain some!

Folks, I'll keep you posted


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