Thursday 12 September 2024

Big Changes

So I think this image says it all, plus it’s a great place to start with some life changes. (This is where you get the drum 🥁 roll out)

I’m not vegan anymore. I never ever thought this day would come. I was sooo sure that I was vegan for life. I even had the T-shirt made. That’s how sure I was. 

Let’s backtrack. I first went vegan as a challenge to myself to see if I could do it. Then within days I started feeling better, as time went on, I got more involved in the movement etc. Then as the years went on and Veganism had its hay day, vegan processed food became more readily available. This was my downfall. Inflammation increased, I became lazier and now I’m back to square one, unhealthy again.

At the beginning of the year (2024) the seed was planted that something had to change. My brain 🧠 was leading, or actually it was shouting with starvation. It needed more brain fats and I was / am fed up with this ADHD business. 

My dad’s brain function has been decreasing and he is progressively showing early fast signs of dementia. (He is so intertwined in the Canadian medical system, that there is little I can do for him in the UK. He needs someone who’s going to cook for him. - side note: that’s a little bit of why I lived with him after the folks got divorced).

Anyhow, I was on instagram one June morning and saw that a nutritionist that I knew of, was doing a book launch on brain 🧠 health. It was that evening, and only an hour from where I was… so why not. 

That evening and the day before the solstice I met the Lion. He’s a pretty smart guy and knew much of what the nutritionist was educating us all on. Again, omegas were a critical part of the healing / feeding. That evening I was the only one eating vegan while the others had a fish curry. 

What happened is that I got off of my high horse… in the weeks that followed I slowly brought fish and eggs (expensive ones with golden yolk - one day I’ll have my own chickens) into the picture. Organic grass fed ghee and cut out all processed food. I mostly snack on fruit now. I’m going pretty easy on the dairy. 

I haven’t had any animals as yet, not sure if I can do that just yet, or is there even a yet. I’m a pescatarian. I’m sticking to fish vs other sea creatures. 

So that’s my big whopping news… people can change their beliefs. 

And then there are beliefs that have never changed. If you go back to the image, everything that is said, is what I want, and will eventually have. I might not have it yet but trust me. I will. I’ll be with someone where I don’t have to work. (Don’t get that mistaken with still earning some money)

I have always, always, always wanted to be a house wife, though it’s more of being the CEO of our household. It’s ok to want things that aren’t the “Norm”.

The quote above the image comes from She is totally worth a listen. Either her podcasts or her instagram.

Next post is from Spain.

Cant wait to leave this weather.

Sunday 8 September 2024

The next adventure

Well my lovelies,

Today I committed to the plan that I eluded to yesterday. I spoke of the retreat but then there’s the real bit that’s going to be interesting (and exciting too!)

I’m going to walk part of The Camino de Santiago 15 years after I last did it and 10 years after I was very poorly.

In 2009 I walked 800km, this time I’ll just do the final 100km. it’s going to be a very different experience from the first time but still an experience. It will also give me time to think about what went on at the retreat.

In 2014 when my body shut down, walking up the flight of stairs in my house was more exhausting than walking the Camino. That’s a pretty scary comparison, and I remember telling the consultant that.

Well thank god that I’m stubborn as fuck, and I believe, what I want to. Our bodies, minds and souls are all magic. We get to choose and fix whatever we want. It takes effort, time, will, resources, education, and questioning. However if you do that there are so many options.

I’m not going to rehash what the last decade has taught me, instead let me tell what the last 2 weeks have taught me.

Let me introduce you to Thrifty Mama. We became friends at a Human Garage event (I’ll write about that in the future) and she has educated me. I thought I knew most of the ways the current world it stying to kill us but I hadn’t clocked it all.

Our fascia / skin needs to breathe. We have to stop buying, wearing and consuming synthetic fabrics. For the last 6 days I have only worn my birthday suit (naked for this who have never heard the term), cotton, silk, hemp, linen or wool. Natural fabrics only.

What a game changer. The hardest bit was finding cotton bras but with persistence I’ve found some.

When I get back from Spain I’m going to sell so many pieces of clothing that aren’t up to scratch.

The reason I’ve given her the name thrifty mama is because she has home birthed 10 kids and home (rock star) she’s also very thrifty. She buys all of her clothing at thrift stores. That would be charity shops for my fellow Brits. She’s really awesome. More on her to come.

Side note, she thinks she’s met the Lion. 🦁 The Lion is a man I mentioned yesterday.

Final things for further research.

Check out on instagram, Jared really educates you on what is killing people. | Liinks

Whilst you wait for the Human Garage entry, you can find them on


L x

Saturday 7 September 2024

Oh she’s back!

Well hello there,

Guess who’s back! I started this blog years ago and was the most consistent when I was walking the Camino.

Well my dears… I’ll be back on my beloved trail very shortly. This is your heads up to check in on here.

I have sooo much to tell you! Firstly, every time I have any kind of spiritual or intuitive reading they all say that I need to write / journal etc. This blog feels like that. I like writing, and I’m comfortable knowing that I’m not a writer as such. Just a girl writing with her heart and soul.

In June (2024) I manifested a man. I thought he was my man… but maybe the universe has something else in store for me. I won’t be surprised for one second if I do end up with him but who knows. What I know is that if it’s not him, he’s brought me to a place where the man / my man will surely find me soon.

Enough of the man… The reason I mentioned this is since June, I’ve written him long long texts and emails. I so enjoyed writing ✍️.

So now my loves, I’ll be writing to all of you.

Stay tuned for the adventures that begin this week. The world has gone a bit haywire so I’ve mindful of security and disclosure. This means that I’ll be a bit more skimpy on details but you’ll still get the drift.

If you actually know know me. Text me and I can fill in the blanks.

I’ll be going to a retreat in the the south of Spain. This will be my second retreat. The first one was a manifesting retreat in Italy (where I manifested him). This new retreat is an opportunity to release anything that is no longer serving me and call in what I need. I can’t wait and I’m also scared shitless.

More to come soon

Love you