Sunday 8 September 2024

The next adventure

Well my lovelies,

Today I committed to the plan that I eluded to yesterday. I spoke of the retreat but then there’s the real bit that’s going to be interesting (and exciting too!)

I’m going to walk part of The Camino de Santiago 15 years after I last did it and 10 years after I was very poorly.

In 2009 I walked 800km, this time I’ll just do the final 100km. it’s going to be a very different experience from the first time but still an experience. It will also give me time to think about what went on at the retreat.

In 2014 when my body shut down, walking up the flight of stairs in my house was more exhausting than walking the Camino. That’s a pretty scary comparison, and I remember telling the consultant that.

Well thank god that I’m stubborn as fuck, and I believe, what I want to. Our bodies, minds and souls are all magic. We get to choose and fix whatever we want. It takes effort, time, will, resources, education, and questioning. However if you do that there are so many options.

I’m not going to rehash what the last decade has taught me, instead let me tell what the last 2 weeks have taught me.

Let me introduce you to Thrifty Mama. We became friends at a Human Garage event (I’ll write about that in the future) and she has educated me. I thought I knew most of the ways the current world it stying to kill us but I hadn’t clocked it all.

Our fascia / skin needs to breathe. We have to stop buying, wearing and consuming synthetic fabrics. For the last 6 days I have only worn my birthday suit (naked for this who have never heard the term), cotton, silk, hemp, linen or wool. Natural fabrics only.

What a game changer. The hardest bit was finding cotton bras but with persistence I’ve found some.

When I get back from Spain I’m going to sell so many pieces of clothing that aren’t up to scratch.

The reason I’ve given her the name thrifty mama is because she has home birthed 10 kids and home (rock star) she’s also very thrifty. She buys all of her clothing at thrift stores. That would be charity shops for my fellow Brits. She’s really awesome. More on her to come.

Side note, she thinks she’s met the Lion. 🦁 The Lion is a man I mentioned yesterday.

Final things for further research.

Check out on instagram, Jared really educates you on what is killing people. | Liinks

Whilst you wait for the Human Garage entry, you can find them on


L x

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