Saturday 7 September 2024

Oh she’s back!

Well hello there,

Guess who’s back! I started this blog years ago and was the most consistent when I was walking the Camino.

Well my dears… I’ll be back on my beloved trail very shortly. This is your heads up to check in on here.

I have sooo much to tell you! Firstly, every time I have any kind of spiritual or intuitive reading they all say that I need to write / journal etc. This blog feels like that. I like writing, and I’m comfortable knowing that I’m not a writer as such. Just a girl writing with her heart and soul.

In June (2024) I manifested a man. I thought he was my man… but maybe the universe has something else in store for me. I won’t be surprised for one second if I do end up with him but who knows. What I know is that if it’s not him, he’s brought me to a place where the man / my man will surely find me soon.

Enough of the man… The reason I mentioned this is since June, I’ve written him long long texts and emails. I so enjoyed writing ✍️.

So now my loves, I’ll be writing to all of you.

Stay tuned for the adventures that begin this week. The world has gone a bit haywire so I’ve mindful of security and disclosure. This means that I’ll be a bit more skimpy on details but you’ll still get the drift.

If you actually know know me. Text me and I can fill in the blanks.

I’ll be going to a retreat in the the south of Spain. This will be my second retreat. The first one was a manifesting retreat in Italy (where I manifested him). This new retreat is an opportunity to release anything that is no longer serving me and call in what I need. I can’t wait and I’m also scared shitless.

More to come soon

Love you


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